Affiliated Hospitals

Baylor Trauma is available to provide fracture care at multiple hospitals. If you are looking to transfer hospitals or come to the Texas Medical Center for your fracture care, please involve us your decision-making process. There are nuances to choosing the most appropriate facility for your condition that are not always obvious. Please call 911 immediately if you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency. Do not rely on communication through this website for urgent medical needs.

Ben Taub General Hospital


One of two Level-1 designated adult trauma hospitals in the Houston area, Ben Taub is part of Harris Health and is a “safety net” hospital that provides comprehensive healthcare to all citizens of Harris County, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. Ben Taub is the main teaching hospital for Baylor College of Medicine.

Emergency Room address: 1504 Taub Loop, Houston, TX 77030

Orthopedic Coordinator: Karol Olguin, (713) 873-3363

Texas Children’s Hospital


The largest children’s hospital in Texas and a perennial top-5 children’s hospital in the country, Texas Children’s Hospital is a pediatric Level-1 designated trauma hospital that serves Houston and the surrounding region.

Emergency Room address: 6621 Fannin St., Houston, TX 77030

Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center


The core private teaching hospital associated with Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor St. Luke’s is world-renowned for its heart and transplant centers. As the center of the Texas-division for Common Spirit, the second-largest non-profit hospital chain in the United States, Baylor St. Luke’s as the receiving facility for higher-level-of-care transfers from around the region.

Emergency Room address: 6720 Bertner Ave., Houston, TX 77030

Orthopedic Coordinator: Veronica Garcia, (713) 986-5480

The Methodist Hospital


The Methodist Hospital has been consistently ranked at the top of the list of Texas’s best hospitals. As the central hub of a large regional network of hospitals, Methodist receives transfers from around southeast Texas. The Methodist Hospital has its own orthopedic surgery residency and functions as a teaching hospital.